
an open-source JavaScript library
for mobile-friendly interactive maps

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Leaflet 0.5 Released

Posted on 17 January 2013 by Vladimir Agafonkin

Rejoice, everyone — after 4.5 months of development with 26 contributors involved since the previous major release, I’m happy to announce the release of Leaflet 0.5 stable, hooray!

0.5 highlights include IE10 touch devices and Metro apps support, retina-enabled markers, a much better panning inertia implementation, hand cursors for dragging and a new zoom control design. But the real power of this release comes with about a hundred of subtle improvements and bugfixes, improving usability, performance and overall “feel” of browsing the map even further.

As always, you can find CDN links and downloads for the new release on the download page.

The huge detailed list of changes is documented in the changelog. Be sure to read the “Breaking Changes” part of it before upgrading to avoid any issues! The API reference was updated to accomodate all the changes too.

In other news, Leaflet repository has moved to its own GitHub organization, along with the two of the most important plugins — Leaflet.markercluster and Leaflet.draw. As some of you have noticed, this is one of the clues to a really nice upcoming announcement about Leaflet future — stay tuned. :)

Thanks to everyone! It’s absolutely breathtaking to see what the Leaflet community has achieved over the last months with all the contributions, amazing projects and demos, and I’m honestly proud to be a part of it.

P.S. I also heard in a dream that everyone who tweets about the new Leaflet release will get an incredible luck boost for the next month. Sounds like true to me.

Vladimir, Leaflet creator and maintainer.

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